Friday, July 8, 2016

Joseph the Dreamer

Saw a mug with an inscription 'Leap Oceans'. The inscription reminded me of the story of Joseph the dreamer.


As a young man of seventeen, Joseph was hated by all his brothers. He was greatly hated by his brothers because their father, Jacob, loved him more than all of them.

Their jealousy and hatred was even fueled by the beautiful robe their father gave Joseph and Joseph's two dreams. Joseph might have speak out his thoughts without any reservation and sensitivity. He might have (without intentions) made his brothers feel inferior. So, when finally they had the opportunity they sold Joseph to slavery.

Then Joseph was taken to Egypt and sold to Potiphar. Even as a slave, the Lord made Joseph successful in everything he did. His master was pleased with him and put him in charge of his house. However, came another trial and Joseph was thrown into jail because of a false accusation - in other words, a set up.

But the Lord was with Joseph and showed him kindness. God made Joseph successful in everything he did, even in prison. Then, in prison he met two of the Pharaoh's officials, the chief baker and the  chief officer who served wine to the Pharaoh. Both had dreams, and Joseph interpreted both dreams. The chief baker was hanged and the chief officer was taken back to the good graces of the Pharaoh. The chief officer did not remember Joseph until the Pharaoh had dreams. No magician or wise man could interpret the dreams. Then the 'forgetful' chief officer told the Pharaoh about Joseph. Finally, Joseph was released from prison and neatly presented to the Pharaoh. The Pharaoh told him his two dreams. And Joseph interpreted them. Well, Joseph not just interpreted the dreams, but also gave insightful solutions.

On that very day, he was made governor of Egypt.  Joseph's thirteen years of misfortune ended that day. 

Fast forward seven years, he met his brothers. They did not recognize him, but he did recognize them. And his two dreams came to pass. (Let's skip the trap and family drama that follows.) Fast forward, Joseph forgave his brothers and was reunited with his entire family.

- - - - - 

As all human beings are, when faced with adversities, Joseph was no exemption to doubts, temptations, and revenge. Yet, he cultivated a remaining heart.  He did not question God about his misfortunes. He did not make even with the people who did him wrong. His very own brothers could not even believe Joseph forgave them just like that. 

And God in his goodness turned each of Joseph's setback to victory. God's plan for his life was good. Even if others wanted to harm him, God never let them.

I wish I could be like Joseph who leap oceans through God's kindness and favor. Just like Joseph, wherever God leads me, I will show them who my God is.

23“Joseph is like a grapevine that produces much fruit,
    a healthy vine watered by a spring,
    whose branches grow over the wall.
23 Archers attack him violently
    and shoot at him angrily,
24 but he aims his bow well.
    His arms are made strong.
He gets his power from the Mighty God of Jacob
    and his strength from the Shepherd, the Rock of Israel.
25 Your father’s God helps you.
    God Almighty blesses you.
He blesses you with rain from above,
    with water from springs below,
with many babies born to your wives,
    and many young ones born to your animals.
26 The blessings of your father are greater
    than the blessings of the oldest mountains,
    greater than the good things of the long-lasting hills.
May these blessings rest on the head of Joseph,
    on the forehead of the one who was separated from his brothers.

Source: Genesis 37, 39-49

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