Saturday, January 7, 2017

I Declare

Are you familiar of the Parable of the Wise and Foolish Builders?

If not, good. If yes, better. Basically the story is about two builders who build their houses. One builds on the sand, the other builds on the rock. Let's say you are one of the builders. Where would you build? On the SAND or On the ROCK? I'll list some 'descriptions':

On the Sand:
- It is very effortless to put everything up. 
- Less work, less sweat!
- Takes less time. 

On the Rock:
- Need tools and a blue print.
- Invest sweat, blood, and tears.
- Takes a lot of time. 

Ok? So, build on the sand? It's very wise to choose it right?

Then, without any warning or sign, the rain came, the streams rose, and the winds beat against the houses. (More like a super typhoon.)

So, what would happen? Well, even a grade-schooler would know that the house on the sand would fall, and the house on the rock would remain.


Everywhere and anywhere there would always be a temptation - temptation to slander, to back stab or falsely accuse, to lie, to steal, to manipulate, to cheat, to disrespect, to dishonor, etc.

When believers HABITUALLY choose to give in to those temptations, they are choosing to build their faith on the sand. Time would come, their faith would no longer stand and it would fall with a great crash.

As for the other kind of builders who continues to do and fight for what is right even if it is hard or painful for them to do so (despite the undeserved stabs, slanders, and oppositions), they would experience God's deliverance and would never lack anything best in their lives. 

When I say of best things, I'm not speaking of material things alone. It could be a loving and supportive family, and true friends who truly respect and care for them even behind their backs.

It could be inner peace, sound sleep, clarity and purity of emotions, and fulfillment of God-given purposes. It could mean positive influences: whoever who talk with them would feel better, whoever get close with them are inspired to improve themselves, and whoever helped them or their loved ones are rewarded by God a thousand times more. So, really the best things are not things at all.

Basically, the parable warns believers to be wise and not let temporary hardships or cheap thrills corrupt their God-given character.

So, if you are a believer and follower of Christ, carefully guard your heart, and always check your heart's intentions. Good intentions will result to good and wise actions, and God never fails to reward the righteous with the best things in life.

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.


As for me and my house, I am declaring God reigns here:

How about you? Whom will you serve? 
and what kind of spirits will you invite inside your home?

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