Thursday, July 13, 2017

Draw The Line

Heard about the preaching of Ravi Zacharias about the book of Daniel.

It was quite a powerful sermon on the disciplines of godly men. (I think that includes women too.) He made three points that are great reminders for people who would want to stay under the rule of God.

Daniel as a man of God had done three things in his entire life.

He :

(1) Draw the line of resistance.

Daniel had disciplined himself from desiring the good food that King Nebuchadnezzar offered.

As humans we are easily tempted to disobey God by things that stir up our appetite, hunger, or passion. As believers we should draw the line of resistance and so avoid the pitfalls of being the victims of our own doing. (It is not just about the negative things, but, also of positive things that in the end became objects of our worship or attention.)

(2) Draw the line of dependence.

Daniel had draw the line of dependence from his own wisdom. Instead, he sought and leaned on God's wisdom. By doing so he saved his life and of others.

What or who do we depend on? Do they help us develop our spiritual/mental muscles or they only drive us far from God and from God's ultimate design for our lives?

(3) Draw the line of confidence.

Daniel's confidence was with God and not on the favor of the kings he served. He chose to honor God even if it cost his life.

Daniel had draw the 3 lines and the 3 kings he served crossed those lines. However,  God saved Daniel from all the troubles those kings caused him. In the end, those 3 kings acknowledged the sovereignty of the God of Daniel.

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Personal Note:

In this life, all of us will have trials of different kinds - but basically will fall under the areas of health, wealth,  or relationships - and whether we fall or rise would depend on what we resist, the things/people we depend on, and where we put our confidence. OR in short where we stake our bets.

I wish and pray that at all times I would put all my bets on God's side just like Daniel. Is it possible with no death threats - no traps or pits or lions?  I don't think so, the world is always full of pits, traps, and predators. Sometimes, even the people you think are your trusted close friends are the very predators themselves. How could they!!!?? With or without dangers, personally, I just wanna live for the One who owns my heart, my life, my soul, my spirit, my all - my God.

God knows what is best for each of us, and His love for us is just so pure; so, just let Him be God. God will surely give us the desire of our hearts if it alligns with His good and perfect will. If it doesn't, then, it would never be, no matter how we want it that bad.

So, no matter what each of us are going through, just live, stay alive! Draw the lines if you can.

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