Monday, August 7, 2017

Jesus Prayed For Us

Ever heard of the Parable of the Lost Son? Luke 15:11-31. If you are a Christian, you probably had.

Have you ever wondered why it was an open-ended parable?

Jesus did say that both sons are loved by their father - the father accepted the wayward son, and the father pleaded with the older son to get in the house and celebrate with his brother. However, Jesus did not say if the prodigal son stay in his father's house and become an obedient child. He did not say as well if the hardworking son was reconciled to his brother and had finally had the guts to ask from his father all the good things that was his from the beginning.

As a follower of Christ I can relate to both brothers. At times, in my words, actions, and thoughts I disobeyed the Father, yet through repentance was reinstated to his favor without condition. At other times, I feel like the older brother, I did everything God told me, but, was not given a great party and I refused to celebrate with my younger brother's reinstatement and accused my Father of not giving me the same favor.

In my opinion the parable is an open-ended one because:

(1) the focus of the parable is on God's willingness to accept repentant 'wayward sons and daughters' without condition,  and

(2) you write the ending to the story of your relationship to God as a Father.

  • How would the younger son respond to his Father's undying, unconditional love? Would he ask for his inheritance again and spend it again with reckless living OR would he co-labor with his older brother and increase his Father's wealth?
  • How would the older son respond to his Father's humility and affirmation of his rights as a son? Would he continue to grumble or would he forgive his younger brother? Would he stay outside his Father's home or would he join the celebration? Would he remain a servant or would he act out as a son?

So, the ending of the parable is really up to us. If we are not moved by our Father's love and humility, what will move us? Well, good thing, Jesus already prayed for all of us. John 17:15-26

No one can snatch us out of God's hands. The evil one may be allowed to test us, but, God's grace is more than enough. AND oh, the tests are common to all of us, but, take different forms with each passing day, so, better ask for God's grace everyday. No you could not make it on your own. Go bend your knees and lift your hands to God and God alone.

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