Sunday, August 19, 2018

A Comfort, Not Here to Make Palo

I think I made some people really sad. I mean sad, because, some might try to kick their own asses for their unwise decision. (Sorry for the term.) My purpose is not to point fingers, I simply wanted these people to know that NOT all of their previous decisions were based on God's Word. Well, all of us are susceptible to such decisions. (Even Joshua was deceived by the Gibeonites.) 

I guess, there is room to improve. In fact, there is so much room for improvement in learning how to truly purely love another believer, not just those close to you, but, really every true follower of Jesus. Unless, you love another believer, you cannot truly love your enemy. How can you love an enemy when you cannot love those who are least in your own family?

I guess that's the reason why Moses wanted all Israelites of his time to be prophets, so, then, they would understand where he was coming from.

I believe God is raising up women nowadays to redeem the beauty of Eve. Jeremiah 31:22 states that a woman will protect a man. It simply means that God had decreed a new order and He will enable women (who listen to His voice) to stand up for His Truth and nothing but His Truth. 

Definitely, we, daughters of Zion, will never allow Satan to deceive us in any way. So, help us God. 

(So, if anyone out there who wants to be called a daughter of Zion, stand up for God's Truth and nothing but His truth.)

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