Sunday, August 12, 2018

The Unusual Rain and the Carnality of Christians

The topic I will touch is a bit 'controversial' and I may not be in the authority to correct anyone's thought regarding the matter, but, I felt like I have to address this issue if I want to see renewal, revival, and restoration in my country, in our country my dear Filipino Christians.

So, let me start with my usual story telling.

I was born in the month of September. We, who are born in September, entered planet earth in a season when warmth is needed by human bodies and celebration is in the air ( because it's December). Ok, maybe, what I wanted to brag that I was born out of love and out of celebration, so, I should love and celebrate my life. 😎

Seriously, I got bad dreams lately and I have to address this dream to enable all of us, children of God, here in this country to continue fighting on the side of God.

Genesis 2
Genesis 4: 1
Genesis 4:17
Genesis 5:3

God had blessed the man and woman to increase in number, and their means to do that is so obvious to all of us humans. Yet, they first reproduced after their fall. And so, with time, people had become so blinded that it reduced the 'action of reproduction' to a “means” of satisfying a physical need.

Matthew 10:11-12

God does not care who you chose to marry as long as it does not hinder you from obeying His commands. Man, do you think God is so shortsighted? Haler, He extended mercy to all of us because He know everything. It is just humans don't understand His way. However, to those who understand the demands of His covenant, we have no excuse of not following the example of His holiness.

1 Corinthians 17

Paul had further expound about this issue.

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NOW, what's the connection with the unusual and unreasonable rain? What do you usually feel when there is unusual rain? Gloomy? Moody? “Hormony”? Why do you think 'immorality' and 'carnality' is still prevalent even among church attenders of today? Do you think it is commendable for believers or followers of Jesus to be involved in such activities?

Paul, Peter, James, Jude, John had warned again and again the churches of (their generation) to 'crucify' their flesh and to avoid the deeds of darkness. Brothers and sisters, these disciples of Jesus who had seen Him face to face had said no one can change the heart of the wicked who were destined for the blackest darkness (2 Peter 2). We, who are real followers of Jesus, can only change our hearts and align ourselves to the Word of God.

So during unusual rain, guard your hearts that you do not return to the ways of the world. The minions of our enemy will always undermine our faith in God by creating havoc in areas where the hearts of the people are not yet inclined towards God. The reason why we, as mature Christians, must spread throughout the region and bring the Gospel of Peace along with its power and authority. (some of us are powerful intercessors, some very gifted evangelists, some are so awesome in their kindness, some are great teachers, we have been given different gifts to give/complement with others)

Only by having a right heart with God can we be use to change the hearts of those around us.
Only by having a right heart with God can we enforce the authority of Jesus wherever we are.
Only by living out the Gospel can we bring real change to our nation.

This is a time to unite as one body of Christ, not to fight who is better than who. We are called to love each other purely as family, without hint of any immorality or selfish ambition. Seemed unachievable? Nah! Most of us had simply given in to the lies.

In God, holiness is achievable.
For some, it may not come in a day, in a week, or in a month.
BUT IT IS ACHIEVABLE if Christ is really the center of your heart.

So, please, mga tunay na Kapatid, tama na ang kakulitan. 
Tigil na ang katigasan ng ulo. 
Kay Jesus na lang tayo lahat tumingin. 

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