Sunday, September 2, 2018

A Declaration

Zechariah 14:12,15

Father, I declare in the name of Your Son Jesus that all those who attacked and all those who are attacking Your people, Israel and Judah, will be stricken by a plague.

Father, I declare in the Name of Your Son Jesus that all the attackers of Israel and Judah will suffer the plague You designed for them. Their flesh will rot while they are still standing, their eyes will rot in their socket, their tongues will rot in their mouths. And all their animals will be stricken by the same plague.

Father, I declare in the Name of Your Son Jesus that the attackers of Israel and Judah will be gripped by panic. Their survivors will bring glory to Your Name by truly worshipping You.

Father, I declare Your vengeance for Your holy people. In the Name of Your Son Jesus.

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