Saturday, September 15, 2018

Ecclesiastes 3

A lot of people are out of 'sync' of their own times and seasons. They simply do not enjoy the beauty of ups and downs, of decay and of growth, of defeats and of victories. 

God's people, you only live once (in this current type of vessel). So, why bother to fight the times and seasons appointed for each and everyone of us?

No one can blame God. I believe, God had reminded all of us and tried to talk to all of us. Some are simply too stubborn not to listen, and suffered the consequences of their own stubbornness. Nobody can get them out of their messes, only Jesus can help them. Yes, we, God's children, can be God's mouthpiece or helping hand, but, it is still up to them to accept or reject God's help.

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Father, I accept Your wisdom and Your grace to live this earthly life with a full and joyful heart. Thank You for Your love that never runs out on me. Thank You for teaching me the beauty of gracefully enduring each time and season. I pray that Your people will see the beauty of their own times and seasons too. My Good Father, thank You for Your patience. Bring us to unity and camaraderie and grant us Your undisturbed peace. For Your glory and in Jesus Name. Amen.

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