Tuesday, September 11, 2018

I Declare

Father, in behalf of Your people in this country, I repent of our rebellious ways. Hear us from Your throne, and grant us Your peace. Let Your people in this country fear Your Name as You do mighty things in our behalf. We cling on Your love my LORD, answer us with Your mercy. In Jesus Name. Amen.

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I declare and decree, the LORD in His majesty is for us, my dear Philippines,
a place of broad rivers and streams, where no galley with oars can go,
nor majestic ship can pass.

I declare and decree, the LORD is our judge, my dear Philippines
I declare and decree, the LORD is our lawgiver, my dear Philippines
I declare and decree, the LORD is our king, He will save us, my dear Philippines.

I claim you once again my dear Philippines as a land of my Dear LORD.

I declare and decree the Word of the LORD that I will not see trouble the second time around.

I declare and decree the vengeance of the LORD upon all who devastate the land. They will wear themselves out like clothe eaten by moths.

I rebuke the storm that is coming near PAR and I cancel it in the Name of Jesus. You cannot devastate any land. You are now cancelled, weakened, and disarmed in the Name of Jesus.

Isaiah 33:21-24 / Nahum 1:9 / Isaiah 50:9

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