Monday, September 3, 2018

Nobody Can Carry Someone Else's Cross

I think most Christians forgot that each individual has his/her own cross to carry. Matthew 16:24-26

As simple as :
 "I cannot carry your cross. You cannot carry my cross."  

It's pretty stupid to forget what God had said in the first place. Why not try to go through the old notes and remember what were given you were the prescriptions/medicines? You simply fought God's will. He is gracious enough to be gracious enough to the stubborn. 2 Peter 3:9

He never runs out of grace, but, know, His faithful servants are so dear to Him, He will take them home on time for their good. Rev.11:7,12

Ask God, He listens. Ask God to give you His light.  Ask God to heal your spiritual ears.

As times and seasons proceed, so, is God's purpose. No human or animal or anything in creation can thwart the good purpose of His heart. Isaiah 44:23

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