Saturday, September 22, 2018

The Importance of Prayer, Praise and Worship

Since I arrived home this morning, some people just sing their 'guts' out. It seems to me they are very passionate singers and they could not help themselves, but 'karaoke' from morning and they are not stopping even up to now. They are few blocks away, but the volume of their 'karaoke' is too loud and the voices do not really induce sleep. 

Anyways, do Christians know when they pray (truly pray from their spirit), and praise and worship (from their spirit) they also emit 'frequencies' that do not really help their enemies?  

(I would like to believe that the frequency emitted by my spirit is like that of a music of a harp. Though, I do not know how a harp is played.) Isaiah 30:32

No wonder their enemies tried their best to disunite different Christian fellowships.
So, my dear brothers and sisters, be united. 

(Just try to imagine, what a "CONSISTENT waves of simultaneous praise and worship ALL over the world" can do?)

Btw, I love this praise and worship team since 2012. 

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