Sunday, May 26, 2013

A Hero or A Villain?

Who is your favorite superhero and most hated villain?

Of all superheroes, I like Batman the most. Why? He is simply human – no supernatural powers. He had only wealth, intelligence and physical strength - combined to make a difference. I hate Joker, he had the most annoying laughter and the worst kind of mind – just for the sake of fun makes people’s lives miserable.

Heroes persevere against odds and overcome evil by doing good. 

Villains, were they created just to bring misery on others?  

Where superheroes and villains exists greatly in shows and literature, we could not deny the fact that on our own ways we could either be heroes or villains to someone. Little act of kindness can make a positive difference. Annoying actions and words would never result to anything good.

What will I be to people around me? Will I be someone who helps or someone who annoys?

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