Wednesday, April 29, 2015

A Thankful Heart

You turn on the tv and the news are nothing but mostly negative. You read the paper and see pictures of struggling war refugees or places devastated by natural calamities.

While most of us are not victims of war or of calamities, each of us have our own battles. 

Some are facing great ones...
a business failure maybe? or a threat of unemployment? or a costly or incurable illness? a relationship turmoil? a  family feud? or any situation that threatens anyone's life or security.

Some are lucky to face minor ones...
like enduring traffic? facing an irritating colleague or client? or any short-term nuisances that temporarily robs a person's peace of mind.

With all the negative news and energy-draining battles we are facing, we might ask:

Is there anything I could thank God for today?


I don't know for you, but I thank God for...

-> Another day of hearing the birds sing, feeling the coldness of the wind or hotness of the sun's rays, seeing living things (men or animals or anything alive) move around. Just another day of being alive!
-> Another day of discovering my potentials and weaknesses. Would I give in to this trial or would I know I have more strength/talent than I thought have? Just another day of improving my positive traits and discarding my negative ones. Just another day of learning new things!
-> Another day of witnessing that God is real, alive, and loves me without condition. By the unconditional love (including rebukes) of family members and friends, the prayers and support of spiritual families, and the unexpected kindness of strangers. Even the seemingly 'irritating' twists of events prove God cares for my safety and for my life in general. Just another day of experiencing God's faithfulness!

So, if you have just another day of boring, or of physically, mentally and emotionally draining day, why not find those little reasons to thank God for ?! You never know, you have a lot to be thankful for.

Count your blessings sweetheart and cultivate a thankful heart! 

Psalm 50:14 (NIV)
"Sacrifice thank offerings to God, fulfill your vows to the Most High, and call on me in the day of trouble;  I will deliver you and you will honor me."

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