Sunday, August 16, 2015

Isaiah 55: Invitation to the Thirsty

People labor for food, or honor, 
or wealth, or fame.
But no material things or pleasures 
can satisfy any soul.
Start listening to God’s voice
He alone can give 
what is good and delightful.

Return to God and obey what He says.
For He restores lives no matter what were broken/stolen
A brand new life with a promise of faithful love
Through Jesus Christ a descendant of David

The Lord will use your new life 
as a witness to other people.
The things He will do in your life 
will serve as a beacon of light
People will listen to you 
and will hear your voice
Because your God had anointed you 
to glorify His name.

 Don’t waste your life
Give up the things 
that make your soul empty and lifeless.
Return to God, 
don’t harden your heart.
God is waiting for you with open arms. 

You may not understand 
why things happen the way they do
You will never fully comprehend 
God’s plans.
He is God, you are not.

But every thing He allows has a purpose
Every word and promise 
that comes out the mouth of God 
will come to pass
He can and will NEVER speak a lie.
What He said He will do
He will surely do.

If you let God work in your life
If you keep your faith in Him
and obey what He says
Peace and joy will be yours.
The world will witness how blessed you are.

For what was once empty or lifeless
or broken or stolen
will be full of life, vibrant and thriving.
Your new life 
will be a proof of 
God’s power, love, mercy and faithfulness.

reflections on  Isaiah 55:1-13 (NIV)

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