Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Different Languages Create Confusion

I came across Genesis 11:1-9.

In a nutshell, it's the story about the pride of men and how God dealt with it. Men wanted to make a name for themselves by building a tower that would reach the heavens. God, though loving and merciful at all times, was not happy about it. So, what He did was to confuse the language of the people. Then, the men working on the tower were scattered around the earth. The tower was abandoned.

(for atheists and non-believers, sorry, you can take nothing from this article, so just don't read along)

Out of the story, my takeaways are:
  • God is offended when men want to honor other names or be equal with God. It invokes His righteous anger and so His judgment.
  • Communication gap is the downfall of any group. Just my own imagination. Maybe, after God confused the language of the people, they started quarreling. Who would not quarrel if none really understand what the other is saying? No matter how one explains, it would never amount to anything, cause nobody is speaking the same language. (People speak different languages and so there's confusion. Still true everywhere.)

Anyways, if I have to put what I learned in just one sentence, it is: Dishonor God and everything will  just fall apart.  That's what happened to the Tower of Babel. 

The story is an obsolete one, and nobody (even Christians) may even think about it. But, I believe the principle could be applied to all areas of life. 

Once, you seek your own honor instead of God's honor then everything will just fall apart. On the contrary, if you seek to honor God, no matter what life (or people who neither know nor understand your language) throws at you, everything will just fall into place. God will simply make it happen. Nope, this is not a holier-than-though approach, just plain facts and observations. 

So, in order not to repeat the story of the Tower of Babel (my modern day translation is defeat or non-achievement), everyday I should ask myself a question: will this honor God? or 

How will I honor God:
  • in my words? in the way I speak to my family or others; will I speak the truths or tell lies? will I keep quiet or shout? will I let God or the devil use my tongue?
  • in my actions? the way I treat people no matter who or what they are; will I be respectful or boastful? 
  • in my thoughts? the way I receive or process information; will I accuse my fellow without knowing the truth? how will my mind respond to the lies or to the truths?

Yes, it is impossible to be kind at all times, specially when circumstances push your buttons. 

Yes, reality is - it is impossible to honor God at all times.  Really, only Christ Jesus can do that. 

AND as Christians, what are we trying to do with our lives is to pattern it with Christ. So, every Christian really got nothing left to do but pray and obey God's will. 

Pray that the Holy Spirit will search our hearts and renew us each and every day, so, we could honor God the way He wants to be honored. 

God is a good good father. 

He is worthy of all the glory and praise.

In the end, if we obey God, we reap the benefits of God's blessings. 
We thrive and bear eternal fruits.

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