Not really an astronomer, but I am just a fan of heavenly bodies. Let
me explain why.
- Light travels 299,792 kilometers per second.
- Light year is the distance
light travels in (a straight path in) one year.
Given the distance from the earth of any heavenly body, the
light they emit or reflect only reaches earth many hours or days or years after
it is emitted or reflected.
Let’s take for example, the light emitted by the sun. Do you know that the light emitted by the sun
reaches earth in approximately 8 minutes or 499 seconds to be exact?
Another example is the brightest star (Spica) of the
constellation Virgo. It is approximately 260 light years away from earth. SO,
when you see Spica tonight, the light you see was emitted 260 years ago.
It is simply a wonder. NO wonder why David composed Psalm 8. He could not help but praise God whenever he sees the
heavenly bodies and be humbled down by God’s love and patience for human beings.
So, really, when you just realize how big the universe is,
how wonderful the works of God are, you can’t help but be ashamed that you had
ever think how good or awesome you are compared to others. AND it would be quite a
nonsense trying to please people when you know how the maker of the universe and of all things
loves you without condition.
Don’t make money your god. Even the wealthiest person that
lived on earth, King Solomon, testified that having it all did not give him
peace of mind nor lasting happiness.
Don’t make any human being your god – not your child, not
your parent, not your partner, not your people, not your crush, not your priest
or pastor, not your coach, not your best friend. No matter how awesome they are
and how much they mean to you, they make mistakes too and they could certainly hurt or even break you if you let them.
Don’t make a career, an experience, an emotion, or a status your god.
Yeah, older or experienced younger folks, you know better than I do and you’ve been there and done
that. You know what made your eyes dull - the very things you think were important had taken the life out of your eyes - cause you have made mistakes you cannot undo, but good news is you can have your life back by doing what is right.
As for me, I am humbled by the fact God chooses to reveal himself to those who searched for him. I am humbled by the fact that when I looked at the stars, I am reminded how small I am and how big my God is. The very reason I think big, dream big, and hope nothing but the very best. God is just too great and too big and too loving for Him to forget His promises to His children.
I don't know who or what your god is, but one thing for sure, those who belong to God will hear and obey His word. Partial obedience is really disobedience. He's been calling to you, don't harden your hearts.
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