Like the story of Orpheus and Eurydice. Eurydice died because she was bitten by a snake while she was fleeing from a molester. Orpheus, her husband, went through many adventures to move the king of hades to get her back. He was almost successful if he was not impatient or if only he did not forget the one and only rule. Well, let's leave their story like that, we can't help it, in Greek or Roman mythology, almost no happy endings for human heroes or demigods. (their gods love to mess up with human lives out of totally selfish reasons)
What I like about Orpheus though is his music.
He can charm any living thing (yes, even gods) and even causes rivers to change courses or coax the rocks to dance. (Gosh, if only a minute of that musicality is given to me, I would have been a world famous rockstar, lol!)
At one time, (before his tragic love story), he went with the Argonauts ( a group of Greek heroes) to retrieve the golden fleece from the island of Colchis. While on their way to the island, they passed through the territory of sirens. Sirens are half-women, half-birds. They got very alluring voices that enthrall sailors to jump out of their ships to the open sea - and definitely getting the sailors drowned. (Honestly, I don't know why sirens are that cruel!) The Argonauts are no exemption to the sirens' allure, however, Orpheus, played his music so divinely that he drowned out the sirens' magical voices.
I think it is very similar with life. There are many sirens' voices who would try to coax you to jump out to the open sea of nothingness. Some voices are from the outside, other voices come from inside your very head. Negative voices of gossips, greed, envy, jealousy, fear, failure, lust, addiction, anxiety, anger, or infirmity. Definitely, any misdeed in the world rooted from following any of such voices. No human being is exempted. My goodness, only Jesus was exempted.
That's why having an Orpheus in your ship will definitely save you from drowning. Orpheus could be an honest to goodness friend or family member, or a godly mentor, or that small still voice God instilled in your being.
So, listen very carefully, and know what kind of voice you are heeding. You might be listening to sirens and whether you like it or not, you'll drown yourself, and the sirens will have a good laugh.
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