Thursday, May 4, 2017


Every human being is born naked and everyone returns to dust. What right does anyone have to boast about this and that?

I was simply reminded that life is ought to be lived to the fullest. Well, there would be times I will fall short or I will trip or worse I will fail miserably. (Like, the time I lost my patience - and showed my disdain - on people who spread and patronized unfair one-sided stories.) However, it is up to me if I remain stuck, or get up, dust myself, learn, and continue my journey. After all, this is my life, and this is my journey. 

Whether people had done good or had done bad to me, it really doesn't matter. What would matter at the end of my journey is what I did with my life. Did I do my best to use my talents to make wherever I am a better place or did I use it to only take advantage of others? Did I praise kindness or did I tolerate selfishness? Did I search for truths or did I uphold lies? Did I play deaf and dumb when I should stand up and speak up for what is just and right? Did I help people to believe in themselves or did I tear them down with nonsense chatter? Did I take advantage of people's emotions and weaknesses or did I treat them fair and square as their intentions deserved?

God alone sees hearts, minds, marrows and souls. He alone is worthy of judging each person according to his/her actions and intentions. So, I say, though I am far from perfect, let His will be done in my journey, in my life.

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