Sunday, June 11, 2017

Who Holds the Cure

If you know there is a cure for an illness, heartache, or problem, would you not share it to the world? If I'm a 100% sure of the cure, I would not think twice. But, life is a game of probability. What 'could be' can be 'could not be' or 'could not be' can be 'could be'. So, only time can prove if the chosen solution is the real cure.

Life unfolds one day at a time. Nobody can predict what would be the outcome of each day. Many people may encounter the same circumstance, but each one responds differently, so, each one got a different outcome.

How you let an illness, heartache, or problem mold your character? 

Will you let it forget your identity? Will you let it steal your joy or goals? (Does it feel like: "Hands up, I can't overcome this one, so, I'll go against my conscience and do what most do.")


Will you use it as a stepping stone or an inspiration to reach your goals? Will you see it as a reminder to be strong and courageous? (Does it feel like: "Hey, God let me live to live, so, why would I let negativity rule my day?")

Well, different people would respond differently. 

Some would take the easy way, but, it does not necessarily mean that way will never give them more hardships. A lot of people go through hell just because they just want to avoid temporary discomfort or pain.

Some would take the hard way, but, does not necessarily mean, they'll end up suffering their whole lives. As the saying goes, there's a rainbow after the rain. (The universe knows how to reward the faithful and the just.)

How we, followers of Christ, should respond to an illness, heartache, or problem? The Bible tells us to have faith in God's unchanging love, to continue to do good, and to stay right on the center of God's will. Who knows in a year or two, God will shower you all the blessings you've been asking for. (Even if He does not, His presence that gives peace and understanding should be more than enough. If His presence is not enough, then, you got a fake faith.) 

As for those who don't believe God is real, or those who believe but don't really obey, maybe, you'll do believe and obey when storms start ravaging your life and everything you touch. Really what would you lose if you try believing and obeying God? If no drug, no alcohol, or no person can help you with your storm, why not start to truly seek God? No offense, just a friendly suggestion.

Actually, my point is the one who holds the cure to an illness, heartache, or problem is God alone. Whatever the cure maybe, I don't know. But, God alone holds it and it will never be against His will.

Matthew 11:28-29

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