Sunday, July 9, 2017

Dancing to the Music of ?

Not being religious in here, but, if you believe the Bible then you should believe the reality of heaven or hell. If you believe the Bible then you would not take lightly Jesus teachings and warnings. 

Like the Parable of the Sower. There is really an evil one who forcefully and strategically steal away the word of God from people's hearts. Then, there's the world who persecutes and gives all sorts of trouble to those who would like to obey God. Then, from inside the person arises all sorts of selfish desires and motives. However, by the grace of God, there are people he had chosen ahead of time who had risen and can rise beyond all that (the evil, the world, the flesh) and bear much fruit.

Bearing fruit is not about striving to be good, or have a clean living. Bearing fruit is about surrendering to Jesus' lordship. Lordship means obeying Jesus' words. Jesus is very meek, kind, and forgiving, however, he is way beyond manipulation, trickery, and traps. Jesus is all-powerful, but, he would never waste that power on things that are not of the Father's will.


Jesus knows each heart and he definitely knows all the hearts that belong to him. So, no matter what you are or where you are or what you said or done or thought, if you belong to him, watch and see he'll work wonders to snatch you out of that darkness - trivial or impossible it may seem. How precious you are to him, he ransomed you with his life.

Personal Note.

How I wish and pray, we - all believers of the Bible, would resist the devil or the world or our own flesh and NOT Jesus.

Isaiah 49:17-22
Isaiah 59: 15-21
Romans 8:31-39

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