Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Genesis 3

The first man and woman enjoyed everything good, including fellowship with God, until they let the serpent tricked them. How easily the serpent tricked them! The serpent suggested that God is keeping from them the best fruit in the garden.

I have to side with Adam and Eve, the sin did not originate within them. The serpent suggested the disobedience. However, they did not love God enough to ask for His guidance about the matter. They wanted to be like God too. AND what they got instead?

They lost their dominion and authority. (They lost it the moment they listened to the serpent. Did not God gave them dominion over all creations on earth? Why would then they should listen to someone lower than their authority? Actually it was Eve who listened to the serpent. She was one easy target as she was made after the man. God gave to Adam the mandate and not to her. Amazing though was that Adam ate the forbidden fruit too. Why?!? He could have called out to God and asked if what the serpent said was indeed true!

Anyways, they lost their abundance. They lost the very presence of God. Their blessings were replaced by curses.

AND we, their descendants, were doomed to hell along with the serpent. Let's all humbly accept it folks, we could never save ourselves. No matter how hard we strive to get right with God using our own strength or flesh we will  always, no, at all times miserably fail.

Great thing GOD is such such a GOOD FATHER. He gave us a way out. JESUS. (John 6:35-40)

JESUS - the only way to the Father's presence. JESUS - the only way to get right with God again.

Jesus is God's truth in the flesh. While the serpent only wanted us to share with his punishment, Jesus passionately wanted to bring us back to the Father's light and presence.

My dear, do not let the serpent deceive you.

If the serpent says you are way beyond God's forgiveness; read the Bible and see how Jesus forgive the ones who nailed him to the cross.

If the serpent says your good works or religion can save you; read the Bible and know that the very ones who sentenced Jesus to death were the religious leaders who obeyed every single bit of human laws except to truly love God and people.

If the serpent says it is ok to act like god; read the Bible and know what's the consequences of following the devil.

If the serpent says God does not love you or that he designed life to be boring and rigid; read the Bible and know what God originally planned for the man and woman (They have the best time of their life in the garden of Eden.) AND what God did to bring back all creations to himself.

Well, your choice: hear the serpent's deceptions or hear God's truths.

As for me, hands up to GOD alone and not to any human being, any of his creation or blessing. Eventually, as I find my joy in God, he will give me the true desire of my heart. Of course God will consider too the true desire of his heart.

Help us Jesus to walk in step with the Holy Spirit and continually bring honor and glory to your name.

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