Sunday, July 16, 2017

How Men Give Glory to God

When God created humans He wanted them to take care of all his other creations. God originally meant humans to mirror His glory and His authority. (Gen.1:28) However, evil (in the form of sin) came to the picture and humans become more and more evil as time pass by, rejecting the sovereignty of God, and doing whatever pleases them. (Gen.6:5). 

  • To cleanse the earth from evil He brought the great deluge. Though, He saved Noah - a righteous man before His sight - and his immediate family, wife, 3 sons,  and the wife of each son. However, humans are more inclined to rebelling against God than being subject to His domain.

God said in the Bible that HE ALONE is GOD and HE will NEVER share HIS glory with anyone. (Isaiah 42:8) So, even if humans rebel against His authority and domain, whether they like it or not they will still bring glory to His name.

Any human being can give glory to God's name. How:

(1) Through Disobedience

Exodus 5 - 14 | Doing Harm to God's People

Pharaoh considered himself as god-king and subjected the Israelites to slavery. God hardened his heart so, he did not relent to Moses' demand for freedom for his nation. After the 10th plague, the Pharaoh relented, however he and his minions still pursued God's chosen people. His stubborness and hardness of heart led to his downfall. God overthrew him and his minions. God showed them His power. They thought God had been totally deaf and blind to the groanings of His people. They did not realize that God had set them up for a great display of His delivering power. (And a great reminder for worldly people to never hurt the people of God, specially if they did nothing wrong, as God himself will fight for them and destroy all their enemies - utterly destroy their evil enemies. A great reminder too for God's people to just continue worshipping God, to never retaliate or never hold a grudge as God will never leave their side and He Himself will take care of their enemies.)

Daniel 4:28-37 | Pride of Position and Power

Nebuchadnezzar had considered himself great, congratulated himself for all the greatness of Babylon. He never realized he had all these greatness because God had permitted him to have it. He exalted himself and God brought him down to be at par with wild animals. Good for him, he came back to his senses and gave the honor and glory due to God. 

Daniel 5 | Defiling What Belongs to God

Belshazzar, the successor of Nebuchadnezzar, had dishonored God when he (his wives, and royal officials) used the articles (gold and silver cups) from God's temple in their idolatrous party.

Idolatrous party in the old testament is way more gross than reckless party of hormonal youth of today. They engaged in human sacrifices (using their children) and extreme orgies - declaring their faith to no-gods.

MENE, MENE, TEKEL, PARSIN. What God did? He tore the kingdom from Belshazzar's hands.

1Kings 22:19-38 | Leading People to Idolatry

Ahab with the cajoling of his wife Jezebel had led the entire nation of Israel to idolatry. They led their nation to turn away from God and turned their worship to Baal-of-Peor. (Their worship also involved child sacrifices and extreme orgies.)

They killed the prophets of God and even take properties not their own by killing the owner. They thought the God of Israel was dead, unable to defend His sovereignty as God. (Just an opinion, maybe God had wanted them to repent by sending Elijah to them, speaking God's words even in exchange for his life, but, they chose to heed their evil hearts.) God decided to put an end to their evil by using their very own 'house' prophets to deceive them and deliver them to the hands of their enemies. Baal was not able to save them. Quite a great example of how Satan can lead a king and queen to disobedience and thereby destroying the very faith of the nation they lead.

Acts 5:1-12 | Trying to Deceive God

Ananias and Sapphira tried and tested God through their 'generosity'. Well, people could be deceived, but, never God. Satan deceived them to test God's Holy Spirit. However, God did not allow them to lie to the apostles. (As Bill Johnson always says in his sermons: if you believe the lie, you empower the liar.)

Btw, not even JESUS dared to test his Father's power or his Father's love for him. So, people of God, don't we dare to give in to Satan and test God. Unless we are willing to pay that high price.

(2) Through Faithful Obedience

Joshua 14:6-14 | Trusting in God

Only Joshua and Caleb among the 12 spies sent by Moses to the land of Canaan were faithful to the God who brought them out of Egypt. They leaned on God's sovereignty and power and not on what their eyes see or what the crowd or their peers dictated. AND only the two of them from their generation stepped into God's promised land.

2 Kings 5:9-19 | Obeying Simple Commands

Naaman was willing to do difficult tasks to be cured, he just did not expect Elisha to give him very simple steps. ( Dip 7 times in Jordan river and your leprosy would be gone. ) As simple as that. If his servants did not appeal to his logic, he would have gone home without being healed. Obedience has its rewards. And the gift from God is free.

Acts 16:20-34 | Praising God while Enduring Challenges

Paul and Silas were charged before the authorities for things they did not really do. They were stripped, beaten, and jailed. Yet, they worshipped and praised God. Then the earth shook, all chains broken, and all prison doors opened. The guard was about to commit suicide but Paul and Silas prevented them.

Punishment of human figures and authorities can eventually lead those under them to commit suicide. (Just like the prison guard.) However, God in his amazing grace and love is just too merciful to let that happen. He even used the suffering of his servants to invite that prison guard into His Kingdom. The prison guard accepted that offer and he and his family were saved.

Acts 28:1-10 | Staying Steadfast before God despite people's judgment

Paul was eventually prisoned for his faith in Christ. He appealed to see the Roman Emperor to argue his case. However, when they set sail for Rome, a storm had drifted and destroyed their ship near the Island of Malta. They were rescued, but, then a snake bit Paul's arm. People thought Paul was an evil man as misfortunes seemed to take his life away.

People who don't have a solid relationship with God are so quick in judging believers by the circumstances God let into their lives. (Sometimes, even believers fall into this trap of self-condemnation, or of condemning others.)

Yep, Paul was a prisoner, but he committed no crime. Yep, Paul was shipwrecked, but that was not heaven's will. (In fact he warned the captain, he just did not listen to Paul.) Yep, he was bitten by a snake, but that was not heaven's will. (For sure the snake is one of Satan's agent. Poor snake, he dared to harm Paul, Paul just toast him to the fire.) The will of heaven is for those people in the island of Malta to receive healing from God through Paul.

Nothing can harm a child of God, unless, God permits it for a purpose. A child of God at all times can discern the voice of his/her Father from among all other voices. As Jesus said, his sheep listen to his voice. Though, everyone has the freedom to choose to honor God either through disobedience or obedience. Whether you are just like Ahab or just like Paul, God will still bring glory and honor to His Name. Whether you are blindly following logic or faith, God still reigns supreme.

You can rebel, but, God will still bring honor and glory to His name. OR You can take the opportunity to partner with him in obedience, and see what He could do to rewrite and change your history and witness how He can use you to bring glory and honor to His Name. Lose it or grab it.

How loving and merciful God is! How just and righteous is He! How generous and how gracious! How forgiving! Indeed, no other God. Just God. Only God!

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