Sunday, July 16, 2017

A Prayer of Surrender

Living the life that Jesus lived would be impossible without God's grace. 

You know what Jesus demands from his followers? To believe in him. Believing in him means to believe every single word that he said even if sometimes it just didn't make sense to any of our senses. Like when he taught about forgiveness, generosity, and many other things.

God must have been working really hard to topple down my idol of pride. Let me just define 'my own pride'. That feeling of self-sufficiency, that I can pretty much survive and live on my own. That feeling that I know how life works even if things just didn't make sense. That feeling of self-righteousness that I believe I obeyed God even if  it means I lose some things that are deemed important. That feeling that I know no matter what God will never leave my side. That feeling I know God will see me through it all.

I would like to cooperate with God in toppling down that pride and ultimately pulverizing it, so, it would never interfere in my fulfillment of His purpose and calling for my life. How? Through a prayer.

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Lord Jesus how wonderful and loving you are. Thank you for your unstoppable and unrelenting love. Oh Jesus you see through me, see all the flaws, all the shortcomings, and yet love me as if I am the only person in the world. 

Lord Jesus, I ask forgiveness for the times I did not give the same kind of love and forgiveness to the people around me. I ask forgiveness for all the times I had become a stumbling block to their faith instead of being your agent of grace. I ask forgiveness for all the times I represented myself and not you. I ask forgiveness for outburst of anger and pride. 

Lord Jesus, I bestow forgiveness to all the people whom the enemy used to taunt, to test, and to tempt me to get angry with the world I live in. I bestow forgiveness to those people who had broken my trust and made me doubt people's kindness and intentions. Bless them oh Lord Jesus. Bless them all. Bless them all with your mercy. Bless them all with your gentleness. Bless them all with your light, so, they may see the true intentions of their hearts. Bless them all, so, they never have to block my way in getting right with you and the Father and the Holy Spirit.

Lord Jesus, I thank you for all the people you used to make my life better. Bless them more than what they had blessed me with. Anoint them more with your gracious wisdom and love. Enable them to represent you as you are with the love that flows directly from your heart to their hearts.

I command pride and all the minions of pride - pride like that of a Pharisee; pride like that of an ice queen; pride like that of an unrepentant heart - in Jesus name to leave now and go where Jesus sends you. 

Lord Jesus, open up the door to my calling and purpose. I surrender fully to your plans for my life. I declare my plans are now under my feet and they are now crucified on your cross. Keep me free from worldly interpretations and just give me a heart fully devoted to you and you alone. You alone Jesus is my true King. You alone is the true lover of my soul, spirit, and body. Here I am, mold me, and in your set time send me for your glory.

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