Wednesday, July 19, 2017

John 17:20-25

I was composed and calm since this morning when I along with a niece and nephew took my mother to the hospital near our place. By God's grace I did not panick when I have all the reason to panick - she was coughing out fresh blood and lots of it! 

As I wait for the papers for the room, (at the second hospital), I still tried hard to keep my tears, but, I just got overwhelmed by God's love. I could not put it into words, but, the comfort and peace it gave me is just so real and tangible. (Thank you to the group who prayed for me and my mother.)

Along with the overwhelming love of God is a realization.

If my father and mother only had a personal relationship with Jesus early on with their union as husband and wife - my mom would not be badly beaten by a chronic illness as she is for many years now. They had religion, they know Jesus, and the Father, and the Holy Spirit - but, not a personal relationship with Jesus. No wonder why my father (due to his flesh and probably his demons) had contributed to my mother's demise. In their younger years my mom was abused by my father, and my mother tolerated it. (I thank God that I witness less of it, unlike, my older siblings. Just to clear, I love my father as much as I love my mother and no more such abuse happened when they got older.)

I wonder how many more people are deceived by the devil. That they abuse the very people they claim to love. That they tolerated such abuse from the ones they love. That they believe the lie of the devil that God does not love them. (If they know God loves them - would they abuse people or would they tolerate such abuse?) The devil must have deceived my father to abuse my mother. The devil must have deceived my mother to tolerate such abuse. (Abuse is not just one of the devil's deception. We know what they are, we just don't take it seriously. )

Jesus loves us all. He hates sickness. He hates abuses. The very reason why he came on earth is to snatch deceived people from darkness - to give people life and let them experience God's love. Was there a time Jesus turned down someone who seriously (and humbly) ask for his help? NO, he just heals them all and frees them all!

God's love was there from the very beginning and it was the very force that forge my existence. Why should I be the one to be with my mother when she needed someone to take her to the hospital? Why am I the first one in the family to experience what is like to have a real relationship with Jesus? All because of God's love. Not my own, but, God's own love for me, for my family, and every person whom lives God wants me to share his love.

How many more people suffer from the devil's deception? I don't know. All I know they are hurting and God loves them. Some maybe even too proud or too callous to admit: they NEEDED GOD NOW.

How many more years my mother would live? I don't know. I pray God will grant the desire of my heart for her. That she will have yet the best years of her life. Of course I want to get married with her by my side.

Just like any human being, I am prone to errors, to selfishness, to anything human. However, I have never forgotten that Jesus loves me and he loves everyone just the same - no matter what the circumstance is. And that what makes it easy to love Jesus back. Tears or no tears, Jesus alone is worthy of all I've got.

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