Thursday, August 3, 2017

When God Wanted to Talk to You

I should have entitled this article: How To Get an Ageless Radiant Face, but, it would suggest that we put value on external temporary things, which if it had any value at all just minimal. (Yeah, we, people are really '*o*o', we put value more on external stuff than on internal stuff - the real deal.)

The inspiration behind this article is Exodus 34:29-35. However, we would be looking at other passages as well more at the book of Numbers.

This piece is simply my commentary on Moses' leadership and what a pain in the neck were the Israelites of his generation - except Joshua and Caleb, maybe we could add Phinehas in the exemption. (The first two remain steadfast in their faith when all the rest of their colleagues belittled God - Numbers 14;  the latter pacified God's anger by mercilessly killing an Israelite leader and a daughter of a Midianite's chief. - Numbers 25)

Do you know that Moses was a reluctant leader? Let me just paraphrased and put some emotions to Moses' acceptance to his calling. Exodus 3 & 4 ( 14 is where he parted the Red Sea)

God talked to him through the burning bush and told him, 'Hey Moses go back to Egypt and tell your countrymen I'm leading them out of slavery into the land I promised to their forefather Abraham.'

Moses answered God, 'Lord just send someone else, I'm not going back there. No way. The last time I tried getting in touch with my countrymen, I save one of  them, and that has gotten me into trouble. I'm already comfortable where I am. Besides I could not speak straight, they would not listen to me.'

God answered back, 'What are saying? Who made your mouth and tongue and lips? Is it not I? I'm telling you to GO AND make Me known to them.'

Moses answered, "and who are you Lord? What is your name? We just talk today and I don't even know who you are."

God said, 'I am who I AM. Go obey what I say and with every obedience you will get to KNOW the real I AM. To address your fear I have commanded your brother Aaron to accompany you. He will be your spokesman and you will be like god telling him what to say.' (Really, the first person in the Bible to have a 'spokeperson's job is Aaron. Do me a favor, smile, it was a joke. 😊)

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Actually, if I am going to 'envy' God's favor, it would be the favor He gave to Moses. Only to Moses did God speak face to face and word for word - no vision, no parable, no dreams - literally speak to Moses. (Numbers 12, Numbers 16) Gosh, I wish and pray I could be humble like Moses. Look at how he handle opposition. Knowing what happened to Miriam, Korah, Dathan, and Abiram - I would neither dare to disrespect any servant of God nor would envy the favors given to them by God. (So, Elena tell yourself to forget your envy of Moses' favor from God or you'll call upon yourself the burdens that accompany it. 😔)

  • All of us are loved by God equally, but, his favor is given at different measures - (remembered from Bill's preaching). I believe we are all vessels of different sizes, shapes, and materials - what you are made of would depend on the quality of your relationship with God. Some can handle just diluted materials - so, they can only contain a little favor; and some are made by God to handle hard core truths - so God poured unto them ALOT of favors.
  • God's love is constant for all of us - obedient or disobedient; but, his favors are lost with each disobedience, and his favors increase with each obedience. One of God's favor is rest - or let's just translate it to peace. If you have peace even if you are inside a tank of boiling water because of others you should thank God for that. That's rare you know. Only people with great destinies were put to hardships by their world and they could not possibly endure it, but, had endured it anyway. SO, maybe, right now you're in a boiling water because you are destined for greatness. Unless of course you bring that to yourself.

The Israelites of Moses generation were very stubborn. God did many miracles and wonders to get them out of slavery, but, at hearing a report on giants they cowered AND complained and LOST their faith. Then, they accused Moses of getting them to the desert to die of hunger and thirst. They wanted to go back to Egypt just because of the meat, and the food. (Are we not tempted to go back our old habits or ways because of the familiar comfort that it gave?) Good thing Moses is a very humble and gentle man. God wanted  to start over his family, but Moses cared both for the Israelites and for God's honor that he interceded for his countrymen. If it was the prophet Elijah he would probably agree with God without even thinking of others' lives. (Sorry Elijah if you read this from heaven. I could not help but wonder why you toasted the king's soldiers.) (Exodus 16 & 17; Numbers 14)

  • The real measure of genuine relationship is caring for other's honor or welfare.
  • Moses cared for God's honor that he dared speak out his mind. 'Lord, if you destroy them those people who heard what you did for them in Egypt would think you are not strong enough to get them to the land you promised to their forefather.'
  • Moses cared for the people he led that he dared to get in the way of God and reminded him : 'Lord these are your people - the descendants you promised to Abraham. Forgive them.'
  • God listened to Moses. Instead of destroying the entire nation of Israel he had simply punished the disobedient. Sad that the faithful (Joshua and Caleb) shared their sufferings. AND the whole nation wandered through the desert for 40 years.

There is a lot to learn from Moses and the Israelites that he led.

The Israelites quickly forgot what God did for them. They forgot that they cried out to God to be taken out of Egypt. They chose not to get near God and just listen to men. Then, they boxed God into a golden calf - and dishonored him by their celebration. Not just that, their leaders chose to be seduced by Moabite women bringing curses and plagues upon them.

Moses chose to talk to God. Moses chose to cry out to God. Moses chose to spend time with God. The more he spent time with God, the more his face radiated. It was not the kind of radiance that beauty products give - his face was literally shining. He had to put a veil on it, so, the Israelites would not get afraid to come near him. His face radiated because he chose God's presence and will. So, really, if you want to age gracefully (without cosmetics), stay in God's presence. If you want to step on your promise land, do God's will even if you are in the season of wandering (just like Joshua and Caleb).

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