Tuesday, August 1, 2017

When Jesus Rebukes His Disciples

I was listening to a sermon by Bill Johnson on praying and decreeing and was greatly amazed by the wealth of wisdom he shared about prayers. 

Listening to a great sermon (that is Biblically-based and full of insights of the preacher) is like having a delicious soup before the main course of a dinner. Just like how the soup gives appetite, a sermon with wisdom increases the desire to study more of God's Words. It is true for me, I don't know for you. 

(OR you slept through the sermon and got nothing of it? I'm not condemning you, I had slept through sermons as well.  I hope God and the preachers had forgiven me. I know God had forgiven me, so, I assume the preachers also did, they are God's servant you know. I hope and pray I would not sleep through any sermon ever again. 😯 OR you never slept through sermons because you never go to church? 😆)

Kidding aside, let me just go back to Bill's preaching. He shared Mark 4:35-41. Jesus calms the storm. 

Jesus was asleep when a squall came up and the disciples (some were seasoned fishermen) got very nervous and woke Jesus up saying: "Teacher, don't you care if we drown?"

You know what Jesus did? He rebuked the wind and the waves, and his disciples.

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Just a bit of sidetrack, I love the way Jesus uses words. When he teaches he uses many words: parables for the crowd; everything in detail to his disciples. However, when he rebukes, he uses just few words or only a couple of sentences.
  • "Get behind me Satan." Matthew 16:23
  • "Why did you doubt?" Matthew 14:31
To his mockers, Jesus says nothing because he knew those people have evil hearts. Jesus meant every word he said - may it be a rebuke, a lesson, a parable or an explanation. 

I pray as his follower I could be just like him when it comes to words - just what is needed at the moment with the right spirit. Am I the only one tempted to put people in their right places when they deserve it? Maybe everyone is tempted. I'm just one of either the foolish ones or the courageous ones. I don't wanna be foolish, so, I should ask for Jesus' whole heart and mind, so, I could have just the words that are needed at the moment with the right spirit. Well, I know even then, there would be people who would not like my words, because not everyone loves the truth. The world would actually hate every truth from Jesus and would hate those who speak Jesus' words too. However, Jesus bought me for a price why should I please the world when I was called to please an Almighty God? Just a twist though, pleasing God means loving all people and forgiving offenses - even the gravest offenses. Ok. Hands up, then, goodbye offenses. May the offenders be blessed by God in ways they don't deserve and come to their senses and repent and believe that they are indeed loved by God. That I humbly and forcefully ask in Jesus name. (Those who need it say Amen.) Oh just to clear.

God give them their blessings. Some might be tempted to steal my blessings. Why can't people be happy with what they have? Jesus, I'm not letting anyone (any person or any spirit) steal my blessings. Not anymore, never allowing that again by your grace. I value all your blessings and you know that Lord.

My blessings, hear the word of the Lord, you are mine, don't let the fierce steal you, don't let warriors deceive you; but, even if the devil had stolen you or captured you, God will fight for me, get you back and restore you. You know you are mine alone. I'm calling at you - only at you - right now to hear Jesus' voice and heed it.

Hindrance to my blessings I command you to face the cross of Jesus and receive what Jesus has in store for you. You have no right to keep my blessings away from me. God meant it for me and me alone. Are you greater than my God? You are powerless before Jesus. Release my blessings in Jesus name.

Lord Jesus, I pray you keep all my blessings safe for your glory and your glory alone.

Lord, sanctify my blessings as it find its way to my kingdom and domain, so, when it finally land to my hands it will be your vessel of joy and contentment for the rest of my life. Lord your blessings are good and perfect and with it their is no compromise. Thank you Jesus for getting me ready to receive it. 

Lord Jesus, continually sanctify all my giftings and strengths, so, I can patiently and gracefully wait for you to direct my steps and ways: no more pride and arrogance, no more wisdom from the world, and no more of my own wisdom. Help me know how to wisely handle my blessings and make it grow as you want to be honored with how well I steward what you give to me. Thank you Jesus for you are the one who give these godly desires in my heart. I want me and my blessings to bless your name and be used to bless your name. I want the world to know that you are my God, my Redeemer, my Protector, my Lord, my Saviour, and my one and only King.)

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Ok, that was just a looong sidetrack. Just want my blessings to know it had no choice but to come to my kingdom and domain. With a humble spirit I just wanted my blessings to know how much I needed it in my life (just in case my blessings did not know that.) Blessings can you just show up right before my eyes. Why enjoy playing hide and seek with me? Huh!?! No, not angry with you blessings. (Yes, Lord Jesus, I agree, your doing something in my heart and just need to be still and let your will be done.)

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If you want you can pray the prayer too, but, first forgive, release all doubts, anger, and shame, and receive Jesus forgiveness for you. If you ask for the wrong blessing or with the wrong intention it would never come your way. God surely knows what he is doing even if you don't know what you are really asking for.

GOING BACK to Bill's preaching on prayer. Below are my takeaways:

  • Prayer is a fellowship with God - more like a wrestling match - where the stronger one influences the other to surrender. 
  • It is not an engagement with God to change his mind. [Nobody can influence God unless God permits it.] Prayer is an engagement with the elements working against the miracles you're contending for. 
  • The Lord hides things for us not from us. (Maybe, it only takes a little growing up to seek for that blessing with the right intention.)
  • If after you pray you don't have peace, well, you haven't really pray, you just complain. (Philippians 4:6-7)
  • Your internal reality becomes your external reality. (If you have chaos within, don't be surprise if you have chaos outside. If you have peace within, no matter what the situation will be you will have peace outside.)
  • God can only give what he have. God has no cancer or debt, he could not give that. (He allows the devil to give it to you to teach you something about faith or authority or humility or about giving him the honor due a real Almighty God. The last reason must be feared, remember what happened to Nebuchadnezzar and to Herod Agrippa I? The first became a mad man, the latter was strucked by an angel and was eaten by worms.)
  • If you fill your heart and mind with God's Words, then you will know what to pray for. You will know what to approve and disapprove. (There should be no doubt, shame, or fear in asking God for the blessings he had in store for you even before you were born.)
  • Prayer should change the way we think, feel, and act. It should change us to adopt the thoughts and ways of God. Not the other way around.

Just to add, I just could not resist to comment.

  • Jesus rebuked the disciples for panicking and maybe even for accusing him if he really does care about their lives. Hello!?! They asked that to the giver of life??? Jesus does care more than they ever know! They just saw the squall greater than their God. Of all people, the disciples had closely see Jesus did so many miracles - turning water to wine, healing all kinds of diseases, casting out demons, etc. etc. By their fear they had given the devil a foothold to accuse Jesus of his care for them. Just a side note, if you really want to know a person's real personality, go accuse the person before Jesus and see what Jesus has to say. Jesus alone knows the inside out of a person and he alone can make a right judgment. How could we people be hypocrites most of the times that we take the seat of Christ and think we know all things when  we don't really KNOW the mind of Christ? I rebuke myself for being guilty of this when I am angry over unfair mistakes. When you ask Jesus about people, it is quite painful to know more things than what a normal person should know. It's kind a weird and kind a burden that you just have to keep your anchor on Christ alone for wisdom or direction or else you get boastful or just use the knowledge to your advantage. Better not ask God for Ä·nowledge if you are not willing to help the person or you will be held accountable by God for the help you can offer but did not offer. What's the greatest help you can give? By your actions and words point them to Christ - God alone knows what is best. It would be their problem if they don't accept your help or God's words.
  • We should not be like Esau who sold his birthright (and that includes all the blessings with it) for just a bowl of lentils. He wasted God's blessing for him and his descendants in exchange for temporary relief of a temporary need. No wonder God hated him and all his descendants. He did not value his rights as a firstborn - a very gift of God. If he valued it, he would see through Jacob's trickery. Hey, if we value the gifts given to us by God, we will treat it with proper respect and not let it slip out of our hands. Treat your body right, it is God's temple and property, not yours. 
  • I wish and pray we could be like Jacob when he sought and wrestled with God at Peniel and God let him win; God gave him a new name, and reinstated his blessings (which is by the way really destined for him). At some point of our lives, we just have to wrestle before God and fight for his blessings. We might break a bone (which means giving up our comfort zone) but, what is that compared to God's favor and blessings for a thousand generations.
I believe only wise people would put their bets on God side, stand still , and just watch how God's enemy is put to shame. You, where do you put your bets - not possible on two lots. God hates double-minded people - God will never honor their heart's desires.  Maybe the right question is: whose enemy are you? God or God's enemy?

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