Monday, August 27, 2018

A Pat on the Back

Isaiah 42:19

I believe it is time I should say that some of us, followers of Jesus, are blind to the miracles God had done through us. I am guilty myself and had questioned God whether He really choose me as one of His servants. I even asked God if He enjoyed it - seeing I have been like a fool to my own family and friends posting prayers and such and such. (Not to mention, even my errors in grammar look foolish) 

I really had no right to question God. I already said yes to Him and will continue to say yes. My feeling of 'being foolish' does not really come from him, but, from my need to be accepted by my own circle. God is definitely expanding my circle, and I don't like it. I don't like how it expanded. However, since many had benefited and many are truly opening their eyes and ears to the LORD, I set aside the discomfort of blind obedience. 

God must be hilariously laughing that one (or many) of His servants is (are) blind and could not see how He is working through them. (or He must be so sad, we could not even pat our back and  say: 'Gosh girl/boy, you are doing a great job!' 😀 ) 

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