Sunday, August 26, 2018

A What?

At one point of my life, I really wanted to KNOWN as the lady engineer who kicks asses. 😁 
I mean I was after the title. I WANTED to be KNOWN. 

God had other plans. He taught me humility and servitude by letting me work for my sister in a canteen.  In that weeks where my flesh was literally crucified,  I appreciated the hard labor of  Filipino women in the market places and the sacrifices that my siblings had done for my education. Those weeks as well  God enabled me to see beyond what could be seen by the human eyes. I actually super enjoyed those times, going to the market and seeing the reality of life of real hard working people. AND. How the seemingly 'religious people' had made their 'positions' too high to be reached by the common people.

The love of money is the root of all evil. 1 Timothy 6:10

Why the wicked continue to be wicked? They love money for sure. For in this world, the more you have the more people will come to you and do what you command.

Are not even the believers of Jesus enticed to love money? 

I believe, once, the anointed people of God let go of all kinds of greed, then, even the common people will know and follow Jesus.

By the way, why the politicians 'love' the common people during election period? There is strength in numbers.

I really hope and pray that we, followers of Jesus, will guard our hearts from all kinds of greed.

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