Sunday, August 26, 2018


I so love the anointing of Jonah. Imagine God used him to turn the hearts of all people in Nineveh - from the greatest to the least - toward God.  Even if Jonah acted like a menstruating woman toward God. (yeah, don't dare to annoy any woman during her monthly period, they're war freak, they want all things their ways. Ok, maybe, not all. ðŸ˜€.). 

God knew only Jonah can do it, so, He chose Jonah. 

Why are Jonah's not rising up today? I mean, anybody can be as effective as Jonah. Just do the 'evangelism' job even if you don't like it. 

Actually just trying to make people laugh. 

I actually wanted to encourage those who do not know what they are doing that God cares for them. (Jonah 4:11) So, when a 'Jonah' visit your place one day, just give God a try. God cares for you enough to send you His 'Jonah'.

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Oh, by the way for 'Jonahs', you know why the original Jonah was angry? 
It was because he cared for his reputation more than he cared for God's compassionate heart. 

I bless a new breed of obedient and compassionate Filipino Jonahs to take their stand and speak for God. Mwaaaah!  

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