Monday, August 13, 2018

Isaiah 64:1-8

Father, You are good and righteous. You are holy and just. You are merciful and loving. You are everything good, we, Your children, could ever need and want as a Father.

As a nation, we come before You humble and repentant of the sins of we have committed against Your Highness. As Your people we ask forgiveness for the things we have not done for each other and for the people You care about. 

Father, we accept Your forgiveness through Jesus blood and we extend forgiveness to those who had offended and hurt us. My Lord, we, who have faith in who You are and what You can do and want to do for Your people, now stand together in the authority of Jesus and cancel all these storms who are trying to enter our country. 

Remember, Father, these afflicted people who are helpless, who had lost their crops, those who had lost their houses. You remember Father and You will act on their behalf. May all these serve to us as a reminder that we are only here for a short time, and we must do what You have assigned to each one of us to do. Help us, instruct us, guide us, embrace us, be our leader, be our Father. For Your glory and in Jesus Name. Amen.

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