Monday, August 13, 2018

How Beautiful is God's Creation

Kids, this is not for you. I mean, don't worry, you'll all grow up just fine, because, my Father got all of you. So, I am not worried about you at all even if the times are dark. God promised and He will deliver all His promises, whether you like it or not. 

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This is for my grown up spiritual brothers and sisters.

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I'm so glad, with time, people improved. Why? 

I just can't imagine Metro Manila with traffic and people are riding chariots and horses. Don't you think MM would stink really bad? Can you imagine, tail to head (bumper to bumper) traffic in MM? Gosh! 😂

However, with improvement we had less and less time to enjoy what we were originally built to enjoy - His creation, the beautiful earth along with the trees, grasses, animals, fishes, etc, etc, etc. 

My dear older brothers and sisters, have you forgotten your childhood? 

You swam rivers. 
You played on fields. 
You climbed trees. 
You chased wild ducks and tried to catch wild birds. 
You enjoyed family gatherings. Ok, you got some bad memories, but, I believed you enjoyed your provinces. 

By the way, do you still intercede for your unsaved relatives and your provinces?

Maybe, my dear grown up brothers and sisters, it is time for you to ask God to give your 'inner child' a new life. 

I am in no position to teach you, in fact, you should be teaching us the younger generation. However, it is my prayer that you on your own would ask God for a fresh new eyes and fresh new love for what/who He loves.

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[My brother got these (white leghorns) chickens and they run like T-rex? Even ducks look like dinosaurs. And they're quite funny to watch when they try to evade my Pepsi. ]

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