Tuesday, August 14, 2018

A Bit of A Detailed Confession

I am posting it here as my way of accountability to my spiritual brothers and sisters. 

Gosh, my people don't know how to talk to me using their mouths. Or maybe, they waited me to approach them and beg on my knees, please talk to me, we need each other this season. Ok, that was a sour joke 😁 . I guess, they are comfortable with this some sort of an online communication 'business'. I know they're listening. They know I'm listening. But, we could not see each other, so, no discernment of sins or whatsoever. another sour joke 😁and Yeah, I have no real feedback of whatsoever. If anybody wants to give me feedback, you know you can reach me through mail. In time, my online communication will stop and you may really wonder if I had given up on you. So, maybe, this confession will help all of us. I'm serious now. 😝

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I was a bit moody last week, I was on the verge on giving up on some people. And in my mind, this is how it went:

These people think they know what is going on, but, they barely had any idea how serious this "Christian" faith is. These people think their interests align with God, but, they barely even give God a chance to circumcise their hearts. Let me see, how it will go with them, if I let them be. They think they are capable of loving, but, they cannot even show some kindness to people who had sacrificed for them. What a great people they are.

Ok. That was pride. That was cowardice as well. That was IMMATURITY too. 

While I was having my drama, my nephew came to me with an open Bible. The verses that were highlighted were Ruth 1:16, and Ruth 2:12

A double slap on my pretty face. Hahaha! ( I have to use the pretty adjective, because, I am trying to convince myself that my pretty face comes from God and must be used by God to advance His Kingdom.) Actually, in reality it was God's double mercy on my poor spirit. God simply reminded me of His character. 

He is the defender of widows. 
He comforts widows. 
He loves widows. 

He rewards those who care for widows. 
He loves those who care for widows. 

I got those drama, because, I see myself bearing all the cross, when Jesus had already done it all. To know Him in such a way He had not made known Himself through others is already a reward. To be enabled to endure some kind of tests, is already a reward. To know how true the Bible is, is already a reward. In one of my dramas, my God had used a small child to keep my focus on Jesus and on His character . He is Faithful and Loving to all of His children. 

Besides, in fairness to them, these people did not ask for words, I simply banged the door and throw bombs at their tables. At least to let them know, if they don't wake up, and do not do what God wants them to do, this nation will go down the drain, and their religion will be worthless.

Ok, in fairness, all have shortcomings. I have so many, but, God is God and He turned it around, so, only His purposes will prevail.

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