Friday, August 31, 2018

Performance Vs. Grace

A friend lent me a book titled Transforming Grace. I am not yet done reading the book. But, it's kind of a good reminder to daily walk in grace as I always forgot it is NOT about my own righteousness. I am obeying God because He gave me His grace. It is quite funny also that God really deals with my pride until what will be left with me is a humble spirit who daily says: God, please have it Your way.

My goal in life is to stay awake up until I finish the course. I believe it is the goal of every follower of Jesus too. We must be wide awake even if the darkness seems so unending. (Matthew 25:6) And I think as a human being, we should all follow the attitude of Mary when she said to the angel: "Let it be done according to the LORD's will." (Luke 1:38)

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