Thursday, August 30, 2018

Jealous Love

I've got two puppies. I got the second one because I don't want Pepsi to be alone. Besides I'm waiting for Psalm 68:22-23 to come true, where it says, my dogs will have a share on the blood of my foes. I can't have dogs if it is only one, right? Haha! Just kidding, pets are therapeutic in a way, and they kinda teach you how to be a good person. You know you learn to clean up their poop, and to defend them from their follies, such as one of them trying to stir up the laying mother duck. Gosh, Pepsi loves being chased by the mother duck. She will have more than 5 laps before she would unhappily stop her folly. Both of my puppies though are very sweet. Finally, Batman had learned how to be a sweet puppy. He was a sick puppy who's afraid of people's touch. Anyways, I've been bogged by this issue for quite a time. Better write about it to let it go.
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Human jealousy is crap, it is very selfish. More on possessiveness and crap. "You can't go there. You can't enjoy that. You can't have that. You can't wear that. You can't say that. You cannot and you will not, unless you accept me or my terms." Duh, (with eyes rolling) offer that crap to yourself! See if you will accept it. I don't know for you, but, if you are a jealous person who have no right to any jealousy, just shut up. You are only downgrading yourself. I'd rather shut up than utter something foolish and out of way.

God's love is jealous too, but, it's jealousy is for your good. 'No, not that place it will harm you. No, not that way because it will harm you. No, not that person, it will harm you. No, not your time, it will harm you." Don't 'you people' appreciate the jealous love of God? God said somewhere in Deuteronomy, He would be very happy if His people would fear Him, because that would bring good to them. 

God is only thinking of your good, why are you thinking bad about Him? You don't know Him, that's why. Do you want me to introduce you to God? You follow this prayer.

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Jesus, I do not know you as you really are. Please reveal yourself to me in fresh new ways. Help me learn to love God above everything and everyone else. Amen.

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