Thursday, August 30, 2018

God Speaks My Language

I feel bad when I read that a Pastor in the US had lost his life to depression. It is quite one proof that full time ministry is not a playground. Well, even jobs everywhere are war zones. Nobody is exempted from war when it is the season of war. (Who do you think you are to be exempted? 😜 ) 

One sure factor why anyone will isolate himself/herself is the fear of being judged by others. Depression got many factors, but, isolation had only one factor: fear of judgment from fellow men. 

Any man or woman of God should understand the concept of CLEAN SLATE - When God forgives, God forgives. If you accept His forgiveness, no man can judge you as guilty or what. That acceptance of His forgiveness will lead you to real repentance.

What people are missing out nowadays is "the open eyes to see that God speaks their individual  love language". 

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God speaks my language every single day. 

When I needed a reminder of His protection, I always remember how He saved me from a near death accident. At one time, I and my college best friend went to Davao for vacation. She let me drive the car she rented. I did not see the big truck (16-wheeler) coming our way so, I changed lane. I just can't imagine where would we be if God did not spare me from such bad driving. Not a scratch to the vehicle, but my beshy had almost had a heart attack. I was so rude, I just laughed at her nervousness. 😁

Back in Manila, I experienced kindness in small acts. The security guard went out of his post to let me cross the busy street or somebody opened the door for me or let me take a seat. (Ok, you may say its because I am good looking, yeah could be,😐 but, who gave me my features: God.) Or even here in the province, I had delectable crabs when I'm craved for it. 

At my lowest times, when I am left on my own to process things, God comforts me with a promise: no matter how dark the night will be He is with me. I trust Him with my everything (and He never let me down yet) so, I follow Him even if it looks NONSENSE and DIFFICULT. 

Ok, there were times, I really WRESTLED to have it my way, but, in the end He let me see my way is the most foolish way. At those times, I simply go back to Him and say: Lord have it Your way. He loves to take me back in His embrace again. See, God is that easy to talk to.

Most importantly, even before anybody could do me any harm, God warns me in advance. Before anybody can do anyone I care for any harm, God warns me in advance. And then He gives the courage to pray (privately or publicly) and prayer works. 

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God speaks your language too.  So, my children, brothers and sisters, don't give that Liar an inch of your life. God paid for your lives, use it to honor Him. By the way, He never stops talking to you, some of you are simply NOT listening.

Oh, a friendly question to those who are not listening: Do you think you can survive war zones without obedience?

All of you, please listen to Him. It would break my spirit to see anyone of you totally lost in darkness.

Ezekiel 18:25-30

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