Thursday, August 30, 2018

Why I Love Music?

Ok, Kids, you want another story? 😀

I have nothing humorous for you today. I simply wanna tell you why the world is so enamored with "Hollywood music". 

Do you know why music speaks to the heart? I don't know also. What I do know is that we have 'a spirit' - which come from God and will return to God. AND the kind of worshipers our God the Father wants are the ones who worship Him in spirit and in truth. (John 4:23) There is pretty much "UNLIMITED" and "UNRESTRAINED" worship in heaven. If you read the book of Revelation.

Oh, going back to the second paragraph. The enemy knows our soul are stirred up by music, so, he wanted our souls bound to its own desires. So, now, you know, will you CASCADE worship of GOD on the airwaves or will you continue to cascade your 'soulish' desires?

Like this one. This song was etched in my mind since it was released. I have forgotten it for quite more than a decade, but, I remembered it yesterday. I do not know what this music means back then, and maybe, until now. But, if I would sing this song, I would sing it for Jesus and for my future valentine. 

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