Saturday, September 1, 2018

A Prayer of Strategy

My Heavenly Father, You have chosen Your servant for this time and season. I pray that You hear my prayer and grant the desire of my heart, unite Your people (no matter who their founder is) in this country by Your truth and in Your love. 

Let them saturate all regions with Your Gospel. Stir the leaders (founders) until they give You all the glory. Stir the leaders until they work together for Your glory. Stir the leaders until they say yes to Your purpose. Stir the leaders until they do something for Your Kingdom. Stir the leaders until they submit all their ways to You. Stir them to assign a leader per region by lot to advance Your Kingdom. Stir them until they plan for simultaneous creative concerts in all regions THIS YEAR. Let them understand Psalm 68:24-27. Let them declare and live Isaiah 35. 

Remind them of their finite time on earth. Remind them You have chosen them. Remind them that they had taken their vows to SERVE YOU ALONE. Remind them You are HOLY, RIGHTEOUS, and JUST. Remind them that NO ONE can bully You. Remind them EVERYTHING they have or will have BELONGS to You. Remind them that YOU ARE the GOD of gods. Remind them that YOU ARE the KING of kings. Remind them that YOU ARE the LORD of lords. Remind them that YOU ARE ABLE TO DO ANYTHING ANYONE COULD EVER IMAGINE. Remind them that they are lords, but are Your servants. Remind them of the truth that they have forgotten.

For the glory of Your Name and  I seal this prayer with the holy blood and Name of Your Son Jesus.

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