Saturday, September 1, 2018

Isaiah 34:16

Revelation 12

Do you know why the red dragon wants to kill the woman clothed with light (sun,moon, stars)?
It is because the dragon wants to prevent the consequence of the woman's obedience. (v.9)

Technically speaking if the earth will respond to the woman, the earth will also respond to the woman's children. (v.16)

Wise people have you figured out what will happen to the dragon and all his angels once they were thrown on earth?

If the woman's children take their identity and VIOLENTLY enforce their authority they can rebuke, bind, and gagged all their unseen enemies. Then, those unseen enemies will be harmless.
Isaiah 11:6-9

So, Kids, you really got nothing to fear if you are the children of the woman.

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People of God, it is time to walk in total humility in awe of God's mercy and love for all of us(Zephaniah 3:12). Let us all enter Zion with singing and dancing (Isaiah 35:10).

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