Saturday, September 15, 2018

A Retro

When Yolanda hit Visayas, I was in Manila. I and my nephews and niece had prayed that all of our family members in Capiz will be spared. I remembered many days before that storm I had dreamed that the upper part of  our house was gone, and a flood swept through it. (That time, I had not known what to do with that dream and dispensed it as nothing but a dream.) 

I am back in Capiz and had known details about the storm from the people who had experienced the storm first hand. They said the wind sounded like a roaring lion. When the upper part of our house toppled, my father was able to hide behind the concrete column. (Thank God!) One evening, when I rode the tricycle to Roxas City, a woman of maybe near 50 conversed with me. She talked about her life as a mom, and the great fear she had when Yolanda hit Capiz as she was in Iloilo that time. She related how she cried when she got reunited with her brothers and sisters and the rest of her kin. I was passionately crazy that time, I led her to the Lord's salvation prayer while the rest of the people in the tricycle just listened silently. We conversed as if we have known each other for the longest time. 😀 When we were near the city, a tricycle simply crossed the lane and our tricycle missed it. That gave me another opportunity to speak boldly about how good God is. (People should never stop praying for their own protection and the protection of their families). Why not? God spared us from an accident. I was just unsure if the people in the tricycle had acknowledged that. I was sure the woman acknowledge it, as she asked me to pray for the protection of her graduating youngest son . 

Revelations 11:18

I just believe that all the calamities and war that had happened after Jesus had risen did not come from God.  God is withholding His wrath until everyone of His chosen ones will come home to Him
NONE of these calamities on earth could have happened IF His people just unite in prayer and in intention and WORK TOGETHER to serve GOD shoulder to shoulder, despite their differences. 

Zephaniah 3:9

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Father, use everything to fulfill Your purpose. May we worship You with a humble and contrite heart. Bless our country, our leaders, our land, our seas, our area of responsibility with Your light and overwhelming presence. For Your glory and in Jesus Name. Amen.

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