Monday, September 10, 2018

Lessons from Job and Friends

I really love the book of Job.  I guess, everybody loves Job. I mean, all people ask from God everything good. Nothing wrong with that. However, when people undergo a test, most fail. (That is expected.) Yet, in all of his tests, Job remained upright.

When Job's three friends heard what happened to Job, they decided to visit him. Job 2:11

How they heard it? Well, by means of a revelation (I guess). Job 4:12-21 But, is the revelation from God or was it from the enemy? I suppose these three friends of Job were 'diviners' in their own lands. I don't even know why they were friends. Maybe, God used Job to turn their lives back to God. [Would God accuse a righteous person? Nah, the devil does the accusing. 'Can a mortal be more righteous than God?' - there is truth in that, but what's the motive behind that question, right, accusation.]

They tried to comfort Job, but Job was a 'blameless' servant of the LORD that their comfort came out as "useless and powerless" teaching. Job just knew them very well. Gosh, so, why even try to correct someone when you cannot even correct your own heart and mind? Job 6:26-27 

Job's friends tried to comfort Job based on their OWN contexts, not really based on Job's context. (They were once wicked, so, they encountered issues they had presented, and tried to correct Job based on their own experiences.) So, what happened to them? Job just made fun of their 'righteous teachings' and continued to "ASK" God why God had been so 'unfair' to him. 

Well, GOD did not take Job's accusation lightly, so, He "ASKed" Job too! So, you wanna be like Job? Go ahead and question God, let's see if He would answer you through a storm too. (Nah, I'm just teasing.) So, is the lesson: let a real blameless prophet correct a prophet in the making? NAH, Let GOD Himself, correct His own servant.

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I really have no intention of accusing anyone, whether they are really blameless or with impure motives. They can answer for themselves, unless of course they are totally deceived. Nobody knows his/her own motives, except the person himself/herself. (Friends, are you totally deceived? or what?)  

My goal why I continue 'writing' is to simply present whatever I have gleaned from Biblical stories (or worldly made up stories), so, those who are trying to get their answers from my write-ups will learn to CALL on GOD Himself. Am I a prophet? I will let God prove or "disapprove" that claim. I am simply one of His mouthpieces, as everyone else who really follow Jesus. By the way, if I am one, I would like to be like Deborah, a woman called 'prophet' by NIV version, I guess that was pretty fair translation, as God sees men and women with equity and honor.

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