Sunday, September 16, 2018

Summer is Summer!

I so 'envy' the gift and anointing to make people whole, physically whole - any missing part made whole, like giving eyes to the one born without eyes, or giving complete bones or body part to those who had been born without bones or body part. Haaay, but that's not my gift from God. I would love to witness others do it, though. So, if you are the one anointed by God to do that, I pray that you will practice your anointing and gift. Just try it. 

By the way, when it is summer, it is summer. A fruitful and joyful and wonderful summer all throughout the year and years after. Oh, if there is any hindrance to summer, just thresh it peacefully.

(I hate darkness, personally I want the sun to be up until 7pm or 8pm maybe.)

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