Friday, September 7, 2018

Types of Pain: Pain Caused by Parent(s) - The Deepest

Is it not that the deep wound(s) of any child is either caused by a father or a mother? 
(at worst by both)

Would any parent of sound mind ever want something bad for their child or children? 
I don't think so. Jesus said in Matthew 7:11 that though people are evil they want to give what is good for their children. 

However, for those children of God who had bad experiences with their parents, the Lord wants you to completely forgive them now. The parent(s) who had hurt you were only victims of the enemy (Satan) who also wants to keep you in prison too. If they were in their sound minds, they would have not done it to you. 

If you are in your sound mind now, you will also know GOD had never hated you. If the Father ever did hate you, He would not send His Son to die for you, and He would never send you help when you needed it. 

The LORD extend His hand to you and enable you to completely forgive your parent(s) who had hurt you. Walk in His light now, and stop craving for the acceptance of any mere man/woman. 

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For those who had been hurt by either or both parents, but who have not accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior yet, may you allow God to work in your heart now. Accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. 

Jesus, just like my parent(s) I am a sinner. I accept you as Lord and Savior now. Help me to walk in your ways and send me your help everyday. I want to forgive my parent(s), please help me forgive as I accept your forgiveness now. Amen.

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