Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Invincible Lord and Savior

Ever heard of the gospel? 

That everyone is a sinner and in need of God's saving grace. That nobody can save himself/herself even if you do good works. That only by accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior will you get right with God. (And only by having a real and living relationship with Christ you can have a change of heart and of ways.)

Well, above paragraph would mean nothing if you are not destined for his kingdom. For only those whom God had called by name can truly put their faith and obey a God who seems to be a bunch of contradictions. Like, why would a just God have mercy on sinners? Or why would a loving God allow his children to suffer? Or why a righteous God allow the guilty to overpower the innocent? and there are so much more examples of God's contradicting natures. (If God is a lover you will probably never be bored discovering all his attributes.)

So, for those people who deep inside know are called by God to his kingdom, but, don't know when and where to start believing/obeying him, listen to this song:

As for those people who believe in God and are faithfully obeying his commands though you are going through a difficult storm, this one is for you.

As for the rest, who dont know God or who don't believe in God, you know that there is something in your life that controls your being. (We all have that something.) Could that something save you from the tribulations you are going through or would soon go through? If it could not why don't you try Jesus? He is just one prayer away.

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