Monday, May 22, 2017


Ecclesiastes 3:1

To everything there is a season, a time to every purpose under the heaven.

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Life is a cycle of seasons - of springs, summers, autumns, and winters.

When life is rosy and everything is fine and you experience growth in almost every area of your life - you got your spring.

When things are heightened up and you can feel the tension or the friction within you or your environment. Some things may even get burned up - you got your summer.

When the fruits of your labor start falling down and it seems like there's no stopping them from falling out of your hands - you got your autumn.

When you got yourself caught up in depression or you pity yourself for the things you haven't said or done right. The loneliness and coldness inside you may even cause you to doorslam the people you love - you got your winter.

I don't know for you, but, that's how I interpret the seasons. Maybe, for you spring is when you sow seeds and experience the most challenges, in summer you harvest and enjoy life as it is, or whatever.

We may not have the same interpretations of seasons, but, we may agree on below statements :
(1) life is still a cycle of seasons;
(2) no season can last for an entire lifetime

Having said that, there is nothing left to do, but, endure or enjoy the season you are into. Live, learn, and breathe. Do not let that season forge you to be a leech or to be a complete asshole. Society is full of that kind nowadays, and you need not become one. (You are more than that, at least to me.)

As you endure one cycle, you are much stronger then for the next cycle, and then the cycle after it. The cycles continue. You just face different challenges, take on different roles, achieve various goals, etc. If you just keep your mind sharp, your intentions pure, your soul hungry for goodness, your heart open for corrections - you will realize (after many cycles of seasons) what it is you really wanted or what really matters to you.

So, what keeps you from winning in each and every season is your very own self. No, it's not people's opinions about you. If you are not authentic to who you are inside, you will always feel oblige to bow down to their opinions. No, your winning does not depend on who supports you. If you don't believe that you can make it on your own, you're always gonna lean on people or manipulate them to serve your goals (or them manipulating you).

What will keep you from winning the season you are into will be your own pride, prejudices, malice, selfishness, greed, envy, or jealousy.

Don't let a difficult season define your life's course.

We were made by God to endure or enjoy cycles of seasons. Who knows the season you dreaded the most is the very season that would propel you to truly know or acknowledge your life's purpose.

More often than not, a difficult season corrects a fault or strengthens a good characteristic. Only losers bow down to hardships and only fools blame others for their own mistakes. You are not a loser. You are not a fool. You are one of God's masterpieces. It is up to you to believe that or not. It is up to you to live as one like that or the opposite of that.

Bottomline braveheart, in every season, choose to be a blessing not a curse!

May God's merciful love be upon us and enable us to throw away everything that hinders us from being channels of God's blessings.

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