Friday, May 19, 2017

What Makes Someone Great

What is greatness?

Why do you want to be considered great?

How would you make yourself great?

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Above questions made me remember the story of king Saul and king David of Israel. When the Israelites were envious that their neighbors got kings, they asked God for a king. So, God through Samuel (Israel's leader and God's prophet that time) anointed Saul, a Benjaminite, handsome and a head taller than all the Israelites of his time, to be the first king over His anointed people.

Through the guidance of Samuel, Saul was doing just fine as king. Until, one day Saul decided to disobey God's command. God commanded him to completely eradicate a place - to destroy even animals. He did not only disobey God by keeping choice animals alive, but, he also acted boastfully by playing Samuel's part - he offered burnt offerings to God. (God appointed him as king, not a priest or a prophet.) Samuel confronted him, but, he only justified his actions (or his greed and pride to be exact).

That day God's Spirit left him and Samuel's support was gone as well. Samuel was sent by God to anoint a son of Jesse to replace Saul. Samuel was judgmental that time for he thought whom God has in mind was a king like that of Saul - handsome and physically outstanding like David's older brothers. God rebuked him for he looks at the physical while God looks at the heart. God found David to be a man after his heart - even in his young age.

After being anointed by Samuel, God's Spirit was with David and that enabled him to become victorious in any battle. He eventually succeeded Saul as king. He won mighty battles and gave Israel protection against their surrounding enemies. Then, he committed that famous murder and adultery sin combo that made God angry. As opposed to Saul, when a prophet rebuked David, he repented. So, instead of God taking away Israel's kingship from his hands, God disciplined David by chosing the members of his family to cause him strife or trouble.

Well, what it has to do with greatness?

It is God who bestows greatness - authority, or power, or fame, or wealth. AND He could take it away and give it to anyone he chooses.

He chose a handsome and (maybe a well-educated) prominent man to be Israel's first king. That man chose greed instead of honoring God; did not repent, so, God removed him from power. Then, God chose a shepherd boy to rise to kingship. He also dishonor God, but, he repented. God chose to continue to give him power and honor.

So, I guess, the lesson here is that those who know that it was God who gave them power and authority should see to it that they continue to honor the One who rose them to greatness. [It would be another story if they are unware of the fact. The punishment of those who know what is right (but still do what is wrong) is greater than those who dont know what they're doing.]

People of God may not sin like Saul or David, but, indeed just like Adam and Eve will commit sin. The question though is after committing a sin against God, will they justify or will they repent?

While they can probably win if only they are fighting against people, they will never taste true victory if God is against them. They may survive for awhile, but, with the hand of the Almighty against them, what can they do?

Saul did things his way and still he was not able to keep his kingship. Though, David out of fear of God never raise his hand against Saul, God had given Saul over to his real enemies.

Since, God never changes, God still do what he did to Saul and David nowadays. He rebukes, he disciplines, and he forgives. It is up to his people to choose what way they would take - his way - or their ways.

As for me, I know choosing God's way will give me the hardest battles, the most resistances, and much persecutions. However, it is the only way that would give me real victories, meaningful relationships, and lasting peace. After all, I could only live once, and anything worth keeping come from God's hands. Besides, God gives grace to those who have the heart to obey. Though, at times I may fail, I know in my heart God will never let anything to be greater than his grace and love for me comes my way.

Claiming Isaiah 49 for all of Christ's followers.

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