Friday, June 30, 2017

John 10:16 and John 10:26-29

Jesus says that he had other sheep not yet in the sheep pen and he must look for it. They too will listen to his voice (as his sheep in the pen listen to his voice). 

Jesus also said that those who don't believe in him does not belong to him. For whoever belongs to him will listen to him. Because, it is impossible for what belongs to him to be snatch away from the hand of the one who gives it to him - his Father.

Those who belong to Jesus are two types - those inside the sheep pen (meaning in obedience to Jesus' Lordship) - those outside the sheep pen (meaning those who wandered away and do whatever they want to do, probably by now is being harassed by wolves, foxes, or lions - some could be at this point may not even heard of Jesus). But, whether Jesus sheep is inside the sheep pen or outside of it - they can hear Jesus voice.

What a sheep pen means to a sheep of Jesus? It is a place of safety and security. No wolf or no fox or lion can devour a sheep under the watch of a shepherd. It is a place of utter abundance and clear direction - the shepherd watch over them and lead them to safe pasture and to quiet waters. The shepherd's staff and rod prevent the sheep from going astray.

This is my personal prayer for Jesus' sheep outside his sheep pen. I may not even know who you are but just in case you stumble upon this site, I bless you in the name of Jesus Christ.

I bless you in the name of Jesus to clearly hear your shepherd's voice. Only Jesus can heal your wounds, lashes, and boils. I bless you in the name of Jesus to open the ears of your heart, soul, and spirit to obey his voice. Only Jesus can lead you to his sheep pen and protect you from wolves, foxes, and lions.

And oh, I think this song is for you from Jesus.

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