Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Without Permission

Ever seen a vampire movie? In one of the movies I seen, I remember a scene where the vampire has tricked one of the dwellers in a house to invite him to enter the house - vampires cannot enter a house without getting invited.

The scene is much more like a metaphor of what a human being permits in his/her life. No bad or good thing can enter his/her life unless he/she permits it.

That lust, that envy, that lies, that malice, that greed, that rage, that slander, that unfaithfulness, that pride - they could never enter a person's heart unless they were invited and entertained. It is quite not strange  that once any of those 'foul spirits' made a person's heart his home the person's inner life becomes chaotic and miserable (though outside they seem ok). It is also important to note that we, humans, are a fallen race and that it is very normal to encounter such and such foul spirit everyday. Instead of making your life better, they dragged you toward depression, addiction, and slavery.

That love, that joy, that peace, that forbearance, that kindness, that goodness, and that faithfulness - they could never enter a person's life unless God's Spirit make the person his living temple. Only by accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior would a person become a living temple of the Holy Spirit. Only by Jesus power and authority can all the foul spirits can be commanded to leave and a change of heart and mind can then achieved.

So, before this month of June ends, let me offer a prayer to God for those who read this blog. Yes, that includes you, of all people I don't know why would God ask me to pray for you. 😬 Just kidding, after God had healed me of my own spiritual sickness (e.g. pride, jealousy, rage, etc.), I came to love  praying for random people. Weird ei, but, yeah, I find it weird myself. However, it would be better for me to be labeled as freak than disobey a good, loving, forgiving, and all powerful God.

Let me just pray, will you?

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May God in his merciful love will enlighten your spiritual eyes and let you see what foul spirits you have permitted to enter your life. May God grant you his eyes for a moment and enable you to see what a mess you are inside because of those spirits. May God grant you his heart for a moment and let you know he desires to clean up your miserable mess and it only takes one sincere prayer of repentance to him to receive his grace, healing, and forgiveness. (For your sake, just give God permission to really enter your life and clean up your internal mess.)

As for those Christians who had once served the Lord with fear and joy, but had grieved the Holy Spirit by how you have forsaken God's ways. May God remove the scales from your eyes and enable you to see that you have permitted Satan's lies and deception in your life. (You have tasted and see that the Lord is good. Why did you make a person or a blessing your god? Decide now that you will return to God or it will be too late. Don't just hear the word of God, obey it!)

As for those who laugh at this kind of article, your life may be perfect now, but, time will come you will encounter challenges beyond your human abilities. May God still grant you mercy that time and meet you where you are.
(Just wait and your joy will turn to mourning. Then, you will remember God.)

Proverbs 14:12
Romans 3:23
Acts 16:31
Galatians 5:22
1 Peter
2 Peter

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