Sunday, July 23, 2017

The Train of His Robe Filled the Temple

Last Wednesday evening, I wondered what made Peter and Paul so powerful in terms of healing. I just wanna be like them. 

Seriously, last Wednesday evening, I thought of going through the alleys of the hospital and just spread God's healing. Of course, I would first administer it to my mom. However, I do not know yet the secret to Peter and Paul's power, I let go of the idea, just watch over my mom and let the healthcare practitioners do their jobs. Though, I resolved to find Peter and Paul's secrets.

I just wanna share what I found out.

Acts 5:15-16 says that even Peter's shadow can heal the sick and cast out demons from people.

Acts 19:11-12 says even handkerchiefs and aprons that touched Paul were taken to the sick and their illnesses were cured and evil spirits leave their poor human victims.

Who Peter and Paul were before they were used by God to heal sick people? 

  • Peter was Jesus' most zealous and outspoken disciple who denied Jesus three times. (John 18:15-18). 
  • Paul who were called Saul before he met Jesus was a zealous Pharisee who approved the stoning of one of Jesus' faithful followers. (Acts 7:54 to Acts 8:1)
Peter and Paul were ordinary men who made absolute blunder toward Jesus. However, both of them were chosen by God as vessels of his healing power. God sanctified them for that calling.

  • Jesus reinstated Peter and commissioned him to take care and feed Jesus' lambs and sheep. (John 21:1-23)
  • Jesus had blinded Saul, healed him through Ananias, changed his name to Paul, and commissioned him to bring God's Gospel of Peace to the Gentiles. (Acts 9: 1-31)

What's their secrets for having such powerful healing ministry?

  • The first big secret of both of them is that they were CHOSEN by GOD to hold that kind of power. GOD let it known to them.
  • Their next big secret is both of them resolved to OBEY GOD no matter what it cost them.
  • Peter had accepted Jesus' calling for him - boldly leading the other disciples to proclaim what Jesus had done even if the Jewish authorities wanted to skin them alive. ( John 21:17-19; Acts 5:17-32; Acts 12:1-4)
  • Paul turned his life completely opposite from what Saul (his old self) wanted to really do. Instead of killing some more of Jesus' followers, he proclaimed and defended Jesus' message. I think it is safe for me to assume he gave up his position and power as a Pharisee. (Acts 9:20-22)

So, going back to God's healing power through them. Why God used them mightily in terms of healing?

They just let their bodies become living 'holy' temples of God. The train of God's robe just filled their entire bodies. (Isaiah 6:1) No more wondering now, that before Peter and Paul no sickness or demon can stand. God simply inhibit their bodies with His holiness.

I guess all followers of Jesus have that kind of healing power - just of different degrees and it depends on how much they allow God to fill their bodies (His living temples) with His holiness.

I just wanna pray what Isaiah had prayed in Isaiah 6:5 and ask God to engrave in my whole being the truths He spoke through the Bible. If it is God's will, in his time, I will witness the same miracles and wonders that Peter and Paul had witnessed. For now, my heart and soul rest secured and anchored in God's promises of salvation and sanctification, and, yes, of healing.

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